We Love Animals

20+ Photos Of Cats Being Silly And Doing Funny Things

Cats and kittens are simply the most hilarious creatures because they make us laugh all the time! Although our feline friends have a reputation for being independent and aloof, nobody can deny that they are awesome beings. They like to do things with drama. Even without trying hard, they can still make people laugh out loud. So it’s not surprisingly that funny photos and videos of cats are the most popular shared content on the Internet.

We here at Paws Planet have compiled a list of cat pics that are guaranteed to brighten up your dark day. Scroll down below to check out for yourself, and don’t forget to share this post with everyone around you, especially cat lovers.

1. What a beautiful baby! That face can seriously brighten up anyone’s day.

2. It’s adorable how patient this kitten.

3. Cats don’t have any sense of order.

4. This cat finds this statue’s lap really comfortable.

5. His first cat

6. Just trying to get some love

7. This cat’s face

8. This cat certainly knows fashion.

9. Living the good life

10. Help! The cat seemed genuinely scared.

11. Just being good cats

12. It’ll be hard to separate these two.

13. No working at home

14. Something must be really interesting with that lamp.

15. Curious kittens

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