We Love Animals

These Cats Are Very Proud Of Themselves For Doing Naughty Things

Cats have a bad reputation for being snobby, unfriendly, and inscrutable. However, anyone who loves or owns cats knows that it’s not true. Cats are not only beautiful creatures, they’re also great and loyal companions. Just like other pets, cats have a great deal to offer their humans. They bring so much joy to our lives and enrich our lives with their love. Many studies have also shown that cats offer psychological and physical health benefits to their owners.

Although cats are good pets, they can be terrible troublemakers sometimes. They don’t listen to their owners’ commands and generally bring chaos into homes. They are completely shameless about bad things they did, and they are proud of it. But no matter how mischievous they are, we still love them and tolerate their naughty because of all the good that they bring to our lives.

1. I assaulted a guide dog

2. I am so high right now

3. He peed on the hamster

4. Why did you do that? It could not have been tasty.

5. Thank you for that Freckle

6. It’s the toilet paper.

It is the issue, not me.

7. I ate $300

8. I lick my butt and then fart in my face

9. I tipped him over and ate him because I didn’t want him anymore.

10. There goes the money

11. My not so real dad is pissed

12. Sabotaging the popcorn

13. Black cats are never good.

“I am the devil of the neighborhood.”

14. I don’t like it when people clean my stuff

15. He spilled everything and he blamed his dad. What a naughty kitty!

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