We Love Animals

Smarter People Talk To Their Pets – Is That True Or Just A Silly Act?

Have you ever got people around you calling you a nut seeing you talking to your pets? You should put that aside. It’s proven by science that pet talk is normal behavior that may indicate a higher level of social cognition.

Nicholas Epley, professor of behavioral science, author of Mindwise: How We Understand What Others Think, Believe, Feel, and Want, claimed that this act is resulted by anthropomorphism. It’s a tendency of human beings to assign their lively character to inanimate objects.

You can recognize this behavior is very common in children as they talk to their imaginary friends and toys.

As adults, we may not admit this seemingly odd behavior, but we actually get engaged in many situations of life. Have you found yourself begging your car to take you one more mile to the gas station? The way we explain that is the same way we do to pet talk.

Human brain functions to recognize faces and tiny depictions in the eyes to yield out an emotion. We can tell what is an angry eye, happy eye, playful eye, and on. Since pets are living creatures, they express emotion through eyes, and how we respond to it makes us absolutely healthy. That is a desire to form social relationships.

Anthropomorphism can also be explained in the way we name things we love. When we call something by its name, it provokes emotion and creates a bond.

Anyhow, the study of anthropomorphism is going on with many considerations. One of the theories is “gray minds,” but it has not yet been ascertained.

However, we know that the interaction we have with animals is a sign of intelligence and higher social development. If someone makes a mockery on you, you know that you are more socially developed than that one.

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