We Love Animals

Mom Breastfeeding Her Son Had An Incredible Encounter With An Orangutan

Gemma Copeland, a new mom, visited the Schönbrunn Zoo, one of the oldest zoos in the world located in Vienna, Austria, had met an incredible situation while breastfeeding her son.

When Gemma’s child needed his lunch, she found a spot by a glass window that happened to be of an orangutan’s enclosure to give the baby the breast. Since Gemma’s breastfeeding experience in public used to receive less positive reactions, she never thought this time would turn out this magical.

Today I got feeding support from the most unlikely of places, the most surreal moment of my life that had me in tears….

Posted by Gemma Copeland on Thursday, January 9, 2020

An Orangutan showed up and approached the mother. Gemma said the creature was looking right to her eyes then moved her hand to where she felt the closest to my son as if she wanted to touch him. Then, the critter just sat there for an hour looking and supporting with her affectionate eyes.

The Orangutan was supporting Gemma

This beautiful, speechless moment moved Gemma to tear. When the story was published on social media, Gemma received millions of feedback. There were no words spoken, but the look she received said it all that this beauty of nursing is just a natural wonder.

Gemma then is willing to bring her story to urge the donation of the community to the Borneo Orangutan Rescue. She wants to take this chance to raise money to save these critically endangered animals.

Her sympathetic eyes brought tears to Gemma

Orangutans are known to share 96,4% of humans’ genes. They are intelligent apes able to use sophisticated tools and build their beds from branches and foliage.

We humans and animals are living on the same planet though species apart. But all deserve proper manners from others. If you like this inspiring and touching story, spread it out and call people to act together.

More info: Facebook

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