We Love Animals

25 Funny Pictures Of Pets Behaving Like Their Humans

We’ve all heard that pets often look like their owners, but do you believe that you love your pets so much that you actually become them? There’s evidence that owners and their pets tend to look-alike. And if you spend enough time surfing the Internet, eventually you’ll see a pet that bears an eerie resemblance to its owner.

We at Paws Planet believe that pets are evolving into their humans, so we created this post to share with you. If you don’t believe, scroll through the list below to see some pets and their humans who share a truly uncanny resemblance.

1. Two peas in a pod

I am watching your back, little fellow.

2. Like father, like son.

It’s hard to say who is enjoying it more.

3. Shh, don’t wake up.

Yes, I need two pillows.

4. Any hot girls there?

I like that cute one. I think it’s a Turkish Angora.

5. Cheeeeese!

I know, I know. I have the most adorable smile!

6. I think the cat is winning.

If your cat beats you at Battleship, you may have a problem.

7. I got a kitty scarf!

Hey, at least you got the good end in your face.

8. Look at me.

When you and your cat have the same personality.

9. You’re not welcome here.

Whatever these two are up to, it’s obviously none of my business.

10. What a nice neck-beard!

My partner said that he doesn’t like cats. I took this photo two days later.

11. And what are you looking at?

I don’t have an attitude. I have character.

12. We need a bigger coffee table…

Next time can we also get a bigger couch, pleeeeease?

13. Butt-pillow is the best pillow.

Trying to do homework always becomes a cat-ass-trophe.

14. Pancake family

Even the dog…

15. My cat has a Bachelor’s degree.

Just reading with the cat, nothing unusual here.

16. New breed — backpack cat:

Very adventurous!

17. Nice tan!

My parents sent me this picture. I have a bad feeling that I have been replaced.

18. Shared lunch, indeed.

Always share your meal with the bestie.

19. Let’s go, Sir!

Sometimes I swear my dog is a human in a dog’s body.

20. Business Cat is working hard!

Someone’s got to put the fish on the table.

21. Sweet dreams

Who wouldn’t want a cat?

22. Why is a cat better than a boyfriend?

We can watch The Notebook together.

23. Why is a dog better than a girlfriend?

Nobody cares about things left on the floor.

24. What?

If you could fetch me another beer, that’d be great.

25. Just don’t wake up.

Do you have pets? Does your pet look like you? Feel free to share your photos with us in the comments below!

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