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Dog Protests Against Annoying Everyday Things With Hilarious Signs

Seth, a New Yorker, runs the ‘Dude With Sign’ Instagram account where he uploads photos of himself protesting mundane things that we can relate to. This guy knows how to keep his opinion and let the world know what he thinks. He started protesting at the beginning of October but has already managed to gather over a million followers.

Many people have followed him and applied his way to keep their opinion, maybe even their dog. Meet Baboy or ‘Dog With Sign’ – the dog who protests against annoying everyday things by holding cardboard signs with hilarious doggo-related phrases in the mouth. And what can be more adorable and cute than a dog, a dog with a sign?

Here we have collected some the most hilarious and funny pictures from “Dog with Sign” to share with you. We are sure that these cute and funny pictures will put a smile on your face and make your day better. Scroll down to enjoy!

More info: Instagram

1. Stop blaming your farts on me.

2. I will not be cubbed.

3. Just drop the ball times square.

According to Caroline, Baboy’s owner, “@dudewithsign and the hilarious dudewithsign were the inspiration for “Dog With Sign” and the fact that Baboy looks cute holding things in her mouth. So far, ‘Dog With Sign’ has more than 8,600 followers already, even though there are only 13 photos posted within the last few weeks.

4. Bark if you like smelly socks.

5. Stop letting humans judge dog shows.

In a recent interview with Bored Panda, Caroline said that she spent a lot of time with dogs and fellow dog owners and that it really helped when brainstorming for ideas. “I also have been relying pretty heavily on doggie cliches.” What’s more, Baboy has her own personal Instagram account because “she likes to keep her business and pleasure separate.”

6. Stop pretending to throw the ball.

7. Stop cutting treats into smaller treats.

8. Poop strike (due to rain).

9.  Feliz naughty dog.

10. Tug not war.

11. Don’t trust the mailman.

12. Toilets are just big water bowls.

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