We Love Animals
Cats Dogs

10+ People Who Look Or Behave Exactly Like Their Pets

Your pet is more than a best friend, he or she can be a different version of yourself. You may have heard that pets and their owners really do look alike. And now, scientists have shown that owners and their pets often share personality traits, and a pet’s personality reflects the personality of its owner. But sometimes, pet owners try to evolve into their beloved pets, and the results are so hilarious.

For this reason, we want to show you some photos when people behave exactly like their dogs or cats. If you don’t believe, scroll down to check for yourself! We are sure that these photos are the best proof to help you understand how great the relationship between pet and owner is!

1. A happy smile is the best.

I think it’s a compliment to look like a dog.

2. Perfect match

Maybe it’s comfortable. At least for one of them.

3. You found your pet.

When you both sleep the same way…

4. Who’s walking who?

This is what happens when you like your dog so much that you become your dog.

5. That’s what I call a support team:

Who knew neutering could be fun for the whole family?

6. When you accidentally groom yourself like your dog:

We go to the same stylist.

7. Ah, this smile:

Can you hear the sound of hearts being stolen by this smile and his happy dog?

8. Perfect place for a weekend nap:

Your definition of a Sunday is your cat’s definition of every single day.

9. Was the dog chosen to fit the hairstyle or the hairstyle to fit the dog?

You can be called a dog person when your hairstyles start to look way too similar.

10. I AM!!! SMILING!!! Sort of…

When you’re pretty sure you love your cat more than your cat loves you.

11. Small cats are not for real men.

That moment when you know you have each other forever.

12. I like your eye, do you want to swap?

That bizarre moment of having the same exact eye color as your dog when both of your eyes are two different colors.

13. It’s all in the eyes.

That occasion when you look in your dog’s eyes and see your own.

14. This is just getting creepy now…

OK, let’s call it a smile. Or not…

15. I taught him well.

A perfect shot of the panting selfie.

16. Cat-face. Literally.

This makeup has gone a bit too far.

17. Those dreams…

You know that it’s your dog when you both dream about the same things!

18. Who is copying who?

When you even yawn in unison…

19. These sad eyes:

Sometimes it is just freaky…

20. The Michelin baby is back!

He’s just too chubby not to be on this list.

Have you ever noticed how you’re beginning to resemble your cat or dog? Please share your photos with us in the comments below and don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family members!

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