We Love Animals

10+ Cats Who Are So Purrfect That They Deserve The Title “Kitten Of The Year”

We all know that cats never stop amazing us with their looks and actions. When people try to give them perfect, expensive and precious gifts, they will ignore them and choose the simple things. They are sometimes so weird that we think they are creatures from a completely different planet. But no matter what they do, they are still our great furry friends who can completely change our life. And that is why we love them so much.

If looking for something more on the cute side, then these fantastic cute cats and precious kittens are just what the doctor ordered. We want you to take a look at these purrfect cats and choose the best one among them. However, we believe that all of them deserve the title “Kitten of the year”.

Scroll down to check out!

1. “My cat always does this for no reason.”

2. “I’m not fat, they said…. It’s just fluff, they said.”

3. This is what true love looks like.

4. “The more my cat ages, the funnier he looks.”

5. “My cats are all hunting a moth.”

6. The stages of cat panic

7. “My cat keeps sitting like this and it makes me so uncomfortable.”

8. “This cat likes watching me from behind the fence.”

9. “This is how my cat sleeps every night.”

10. Charging… Fully charged.

11. This is what cat engagement photos would look like.

12. “My cat is always poised for a royal photo, but tonight, I finally caught him off guard.”

13. “This is how I was greeted by my cat when I got home last night.”

14. When your human takes you for a drive for the first time:

15. “Every time I say my cat’s name, she looks at me like I just told her that her husband died at sea.”

16. Feeling guilty? Nah!

17. “This is my cat when he thinks there’s no one home.”

18. “Everyone who sees my cat Worf just falls in love with him.”

Which cat deserves the title “Kitten of the Year” in your opinion? If you have your own candidates, please share their photos with us in the comments!

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