We Love Animals

10+ Animals Who Give Their Owners Boundless Love

Like us, animals need and want love, but love is not a commodity that they give to anyone. They just give love to those who are the most important people in their life. For this reason, they love their humans unconditionally and give them so much in terms of emotional support. If you have pets, you know what a mood boost it is to see your pet after a long day at work. When you are upset or feeling down, your pet will give you the gentle nudge of a wet nose or a lick on the hand to make your day brighter.

And in order to honor the special connection between pets and their owners, we have collected some pictures of pets whose love for their owners is boundless. Scroll down to enjoy!

1. “We just adopted Bella and she really likes my fiancé.”

2. Cuddling after 5 hours apart.

3. “My girlfriend’s dog is in love with me.”

4. “My sister left for a week, and this is how her cockatoo greeted her when she got back!”

5. “As I was saying goodbye, my dog hugged me…”

6. “My kid’s home sick today. She’s got the 2 best doctors in the house.”

7. “My dog’s warming my bed for me.”

8. “My sweet girl loves giving kisses.”

9. “My sister’s dog is absolutely in love with my boyfriend.”

10. “I was never a cat person until I met Calvin a few weeks ago. I think he loves me too.”

11. A dog will never judge and will love you unconditionally. It doesn’t matter if you live in a mansion or a cardboard box.

12. “Meet the Doctor, our new kitty cat.”

13. “One of my dogs, hugging my dad.”

14. Forever together. Literally.

15. “My 4-year-old daughter hugging our dog.”

16. “This is the first day I brought my dog home from the shelter. We were in love from the moment we met.”

17. “A kitten climbed my leg during my haircut. A few days later, he became my kitten.”

18. “If you fall in love with someone, make sure they look at you the way my dog looks at me.”

19. “Look at how much my wife’s cat loves her.”

20. “It’s been his favorite spot since day 1!”

21. “When our son was born, we figured he’d bond with one of our 4 dogs. Imagine our surprise when he became best friends with our ornery cat.”

22. The best child’s sleep guardian

23. “Every morning our cat sits with my son when he waits for the bus.”

Does your pet show their love to you? We love to hear your stories and photos, so feel free to share with us in comments.

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