Animals10+ Baby Animals That Will Give You Instant Heart Eyes by Carolyn Mullet #11. Double the adorableness #12. He might be a baby, but he still looks strong. #13. They seem to be enjoying their new bed. #14. Baby Pangolin wants to ask you something important. #15. Who said skunks can’t be adorable? #16. We know the dog isn’t a baby, but he’s still a good boy for taking care of one! #17. Baby pits could melt ice with their smiles. #18. How you look after you break your mom’s vase: #19. 10/10 would boop its nose. #20. Otters are the friendlier version of cats. #21. One kitten not enough? How about 11? #22. Ducklings deserve all the head rubs in the world. 1 2