We Love Animals

10+ Animals Whose Emotions Are So Vivid, They Simply Can’t Hide Them

Do you believe that animals such as cats, dogs, and chimpanzees can have emotions or express themselves? Although some skeptics remain, it seems the scales are slowly tipping toward the opinion that animals do have emotions. Also, some studies have shown that animals do have feelings and emotions. They can feel fear, joy, anger, love, and even jealousy.

We love animals, so we collected photos of some click-worthy emotions and moods expressed by animals. Scroll down to enjoy!

h/t: Bright Side

#1. When you’re mad at them but they suddenly give you a kiss:

#2. “Bags! I need more bags!”

#3. When you leave your parents to enter adult life and face your first obstacle:

#4. Tenderness and patience

#5. “Stay there, don’t move. You look suspicious.”

#6. Friday night vs Monday morning

#7. When she wants to take a selfie:

#8. When you wake up at 7 AM and suddenly realize it’s Sunday:

#9. Incredible emotional intensity

#10. Them: “Are you going on vacation?”
You: “Yes, next year.”

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