We Love Animals

Jealous Cat Growls At Owner After She Cheated By Playing with Another Cat

Just like humans, domesticated animals can also showcase jealousy and can even fuel aggression like this cute cat in Japan. She became super aggressive after discovering that her owner played with another stray cat.

The owner went out and arrived home and tried to greet her cat as usual, but the cats happy mews quickly turned to anger when she smelled the hand. The scorned feline even started attacking the hand that betrayed her with her paws.

After uploading the video of the jealous pet on Twitter, it attracted a lot of attention, with many people commenting on the comic difference between the cat’s initial cute meows compared to the angry shrieking seconds later.

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The owner later shared the video of “the other cat” she cheated with:

The cat flicked her paw to drive the human’s hand away when she noticed the smell of another cat.

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