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Cats Rescue

Kitten With Four Ears and One Eye Finds Forever Home With Loving Family

In February 2018, rescuers found a remarkable kitten underneath a house in Melbourne, Australia. When they pulled the kitten out they were shocked to see the kitten had four ears and a deformed right eye.

He was brought to Geelong Animal Welfare Society. Then, they rushed the kitten with four ears into surgery and removed his eye. Georgi, a fosterer and employee of GAWS, brought the boy home after surgery so the little boy could have a comfortable place to stay during his recovery. Anderson nicknamed him Frankenkitten because of the prominent stitches on his face.

Anderson’s young son, Arthur, has become Frankie’s best friend. Frankie quickly settled into life at Anderson’s house, and he doesn’t let his differences stop him from enjoying life. Frankie spends his days running around the house, playing with Anderson’s other animals.

Frankie has had a few other health issues, including some issues with his teeth. But Frankie has found a wonderful home with a mom who loves him more than anything, he takes it all in stride – as long as he’s with his mom and his furry siblings, he’s happy!

If you’d like to see more photos of adorable Frankie, check out his  Instagram page.

Frankie, a 10-week-old domestic short hair, was found under a house in Geelong, south-west of Melbourne

He was brought to Geelong Animal Welfare Society, and eventually adopted by new owner Georgie Anderson

Georgi spent hours on an eyepatch that would stay on his head.

Frankie shows everybody love and affection all the while he continues his healing process.

Frankie quickly settled into life at Anderson’s house, and he doesn’t let his differences stop him from enjoying life.

Frankie has found a wonderful home with a mom who loves him more than anything

As long as he’s with his mom and his furry siblings, he’s happy!

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