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Cats Dogs

15+ Times Owners Did Something “Wrong” With Their Pets And Got Back Their Anger

“Something Wrong” here, we mean, that you are making jokes of your pets, or disappointing them, or doing something they didn’t expect you to do. Believe it or not, pets are like humans, which means they also have thoughts and emotions, such as anger. And because they are just like us, sometimes they can be as irrational as we are. Don’t be surprised when you come home from work and don’t know why your pets are giving you a grumpy face. Sometimes, animals need simply nothing but our attention and love. So, make sure you never do something ‘wrong’ with these lovely friends!

We, as Paws Planet, do love these four-legged friends, and, don’t want them to be sad. We hope that, with 15+ following pictures, you will find a way to make your pets happier. Let’s scroll down to see for yourself!

#1. “This jerk is angry because he kicked a glass tray off the coffee table and broke it and I yelled at him. He hissed, spat, growled and howled like a jungle cat at me for 30 minutes after this happened. He is being an asshole.”

Source: danielleacro

#2. “I have to follow the rule…. So here is a pic of my pupper being mad at me for petting my friend’s dog”

Source: Screamang_trash

#3. “Monty the Bengal is very unhappy to be awoken from his slumber !”

Source: Charlxttejayne

#4. “My dog (Garnet) is watching me eat a sandwich. She’s not happy about it”

Source: MansionsOfRest

#5. “I was so mad, mom woke me up!”

Source: kiggy_the_snake

#6. “I was cleaning my dog bed by shaking it out the window when I lost hold of it now look at it ???? and now he gets new owner”

Source: hippychick115

#7. “Rory the cat not talking to me because I brought him to the vet ????????????”

Source: jennifer_egan41

#8. “My dog ​​Mindy had rubbed herself with cat sh*t. Mindy is clearly not happy that I washed her. She has never looked at me, so angry.”

Source: Vavaisdy

#9. “My older gets mad at me for trying to steal the rope from my younger dog, so he’ll take it from me and let him have it…”

#10. “”I came home from my walk, and caught my dog glaring at me through the window. He looks mad.

Source: 619rebel

#11. “Don’t know why he doesn’t want to look at me”

Source: joepozowicz

#12. “My cat mad at me that I put a Tortilla around it’s head”

Source: daddywashome

#13. “Meet Phoebe, my perpetual grumpy void.”

Source: Shitlord_Actual

#14. “I thought this would belong on here)) My cat, angry at me because she couldn’t catch the string.”

Source: AbyssDeCat

#15.”We’ll never talk to you again!”

Source: abdulmoeed164

#16. “She was very angry, snucking through the dog door at 5am, making a bunch of noise, and scaring the crap out of me.”

Source: southwick

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