We Love Animals
Cats Go Animal Rescue

Poor Kitten Living In Market Waits For Someone To Adopt Him

There are millions of dogs, cats, and other animals who have to live on the streets. Just like house pets, they need homes where they are loved and cared. Sadly, there are so many homeless animals and not enough homes for them all. For this reason, many of them have to be put down – a procedure that’s fast and painless. But no matter how difficult the life is, they always desire to have a good home with great owners.

Screenshot: Animal’s Cottage – Rescue Center

A stray kitten spent most of his life living in a busy market. Many people saw him, but they just passed by him and didn’t want to help him. Despite being ignored many times, he never stopped dreaming about a loving home and a perfect owner. Thankfully, Animal’s Cottage – Rescue Center came to save him just in time and helped turn his dream into reality.

Screenshot: Animal’s Cottage – Rescue Center

Screenshot: Animal’s Cottage – Rescue Center

As soon as the rescue team found him, they took him to their shelter. They cleaned him and gave him food to fill his empty belly up. He was very happy to enjoy the meal as he had never eaten clean food before. At first, he looked little bit nervous and was scared of other cats. But thanks to the love and care of everyone at the shelter, he felt better and was happy to live here. They didn’t forget to give him a beautiful name Leo.

Screenshot: Animal’s Cottage – Rescue Center

Leo is now healthy and is ready to be adopted. The shelter quickly helps him find a forever home. He will stay at the shelter until they find a caring family for him. If you are interested in adopting him, you can contact Animal’s Cottage – Rescue Center via email: [email protected].

Screenshot: Animal’s Cottage – Rescue Center

Watch the full rescue here:

Thank you so much for helping this poor little soul. We hope he will find a lovely forever home. May God bless you and your whole team!

Screenshot: Animal’s Cottage – Rescue Center

Please support Animal’s Cottage – Rescue Center from subscribe their YouTube Channel, like their Facebook page and follow them on Instagram & Twitter.

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