We Love Animals
Dogs Rescue

Abandoned Puppies Happily Came Up To Greet Rescuers In The Rain

Some dogs have the power to melt our hearts in the most incredible way pawsible. No matter how badly treated they are, they still adore humans unconditionally and their naivety and pure love are seriously heartbreaking sometimes.

Jessie and Gina are great examples. The two little pups were dumped together by the road during the wet season in Ukraine and it’s not hard to imagine how miserable they were. However, despite being mistreated, the two young dogs were still cheerful, sweet girls who absolutely loved every human in this world.

Screenshot, Love Furry Friends

Even though the puppies’ spot was pretty far from where they lived, Love Furry Friends’ founder Olena Pyanov and her friends still headed out right away after hearing about the two pitiful girls. They noticed an empty plate on the ground, which meant some kind local had been feeding them for a while.

Screenshot, Love Furry Friends

It didn’t take long for the rescuers to spot the abandoned pooches though, they were just hiding from the rain nearby. As the team showed up, these two canine sisters immediately ran out from their hideout with their tails wagging excitedly to greet their human friends.

Screenshot, Love Furry Friends

Look how happy they were!

Screenshot, Love Furry Friends

Needless to say, Jessie and Gina were thrilled to be indoors again. After being treated for parasites and vaccinated at the vet, the two love bugs had been living a fantastic VIP life under the care of Olena and her dog Mimi. Of course, they didn’t forget to express their gratitude towards the girl who saved their life either.

Screenshot, Love Furry Friends

To no one’s surprise, Jessie and Gina had no trouble finding themselves two loving forever homes where they would always be appreciated and cherished. Even though it’s a bit sad that this charming pair had to be separated, we’re still glad to know that they would be the center of attention for the rest of their lives.

Screenshot, Love Furry Friends

Watch the heartwarming rescue here:

Please share Jessie and Gina’s moving story with your loved ones!


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