We Love Animals

30 Times Pets Find Out They Are Heading To The Vet, And They Are Incredibly Hilarious

If we, humans are scared of going to see the dentist, our pets are obsessed with visits to the vet. It’s easy to understand why these furry guys become stubborn or aggressive when realizing they have already been taken to the vet. We often cheat these four-legged friends in this case until they know the truth themselves. Who doesn’t stay mad or feel betrayed?

And here are 30 funny expressions of pets when realizing they’re on the way to see the vet. Their owners care about their health, so they will take their pets to the vet when finding something wrong with it. But not all pets are ready or stay calm during the visit. They do not like nail trims, injections, and other procedures at all. Some even show off facial expressions as if there weren’t tomorrow. If you are constantly tired and stressed, these pics can also bring you a much-needed smile. Let’s check them out!

1. “Please help me! I don’t want to see that sneaky man anymore. He promises to bring me to the park but ends up taking me to the vet.”

2. “I won’t leave this bench. You can never drag me out of it.”

3. “Could you go to catch me? I don’t need to see the vet. I feel extremely healthy, better than ever.”

4. “I think this man takes me to the vet. This is not the way to our local park.”

5. “I’m hiding here and no vet identifies me.”

6. “I must find a place to hide now. Vet meeting is scary.”

7. “You cheated on me, again. You told me that we would go to the park but head to the vet instead. You sneaky man!”

8. “Oh, my Godness! I saw the vet’s entrance.”

9. “I’m scared. I don’t want to visit the vet at all. Please bring me home, mom.”

10. “Going to see the vet means there is no tomorrow.”

11. “We’re going to see the vet? I’m a bit scared, dad.”

12. “Hide here and no one can see me.”

13. “This is me before and after knowing that I’m heading to the vet. What a red hair day!”

14. “I’m scared, dad. Could we go back to home?”

15. “I don’t hear, I don’t see anything. I just want to get back to our home.”

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