We Love Animals

Valkyrie, The Human-faced Cat Who Charms Thousands Of People Around The World With Her Expressions

There are animals that are true messengers of nature, even among the species that we consider more “common” and in a certain sense “obvious”. In fact, when we think of a cat, we don’t think of strange creatures, but of the classic cats that inhabit the homes of many of us, delighting us with their friendly and sometimes stubborn or unpredictable characters.

If you’re used to this vision, that’s totally normal, but Valkyrie , the cat we’re about to introduce to you, is ready to break away from more traditional cat patterns, with her appearance that particular defining would be reductive. The reason ? Just look at her: with her “human ” muzzle  , she is both adorable and cranky, and that’s why she quickly became a real web star!


image credit: catsvill_county/Instagram

Valkyrie is of the Maine Coon breed , a breed of cats characterized by a rather imposing build, as well as a long and thick coat that makes them perfectly comfortable even in the coldest places. It is not by chance that, on its origins, certain theories see them coming from Norway, introduced in America by the Vikings. The “mythological” name of this cat, for this reason, is not at all inappropriate, and what sets her apart, besides being a splendid Maine Coon, is the fact of having expressions rich in “humanity. “.


image credit: catsvill_county/Instagram

We are not exaggerating: the cat, as her breeder Tatiana Rastorgueva explained when she posted her photos on the internet, immediately caught the attention of Internet users, precisely because she seems to be able to communicate her moods perfectly .


image credit: catsvill_county/Instagram

Valkyrie is super-expressive, and her expression is sweet but cranky . In fact, from what Tatiana has told, the character of this cat is far from radiant, indeed, like many other cats, she loves her spaces and her moments of solitude.


image credit: catsvill_county/Instagram

A characteristic that makes him unique, adorable, but perhaps a little disturbing at the same time. Isn’t it strange, indeed, to observe an animal that looks much more like us than we ever imagined? It’s a bit like what happens when you see a monkey …

Skeptical, sulky, saddened, sometimes smiling : Valkyrie is all that and more. Would you take a special pussy like her with you?

sources used : Metro; 

: Whydon’tyousharethis

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