We Love Animals

15 Dogs Who Wake Their Owners Up With Hilarious Faces

Who do you want to wake you up in the morning without getting you irritated? Your dog seems to be a perfect choice. They will run to you from somewhere, their own bed (or yours), and give you a morning call. They show you an adorable or quirky face in the best way they can. And these are the sweetest thing to start a day, right?

Here are 15 of these dogs we would like to introduce today. These fluffy friends are keen on waking their owners up with their hilarious faces. If you are looking for something lovely for your morning, these are right up your street. These adorable doggie friends surely add more color to your day. Let’s check them out!

1. “You still fall asleep? I’ve left out of my bed for 1 hour. Will we have a walk outside?”

2. “Wake up! Wake up. You shouldn’t take a long nap. The weather is so perfect for some exciting outdoor activities, not a nap.”

3. “When you wake up at midnight and see this. Scare the living life out of you?”

4. “We’ve been waiting for you to wake up for so long. Can you leave your bed now for a morning walk?”

5. “Not surprise? I’ve been staying here for a while to give you a morning surprise.”

6. “Why this human keeps sleeping? I’m so ready for a walk.”

7. “Hi, my friend. It’s time to get out of your bed.”

8. “You will fall in love with my adorable face in the morning. I know that because I try this every day.”

9. “Huh, you haven’t got out of here yet. My siblings and I want a morning walk.”

10. “It’s almost 8 o’clock and that human hasn’t got out of his bed yet. How dare you! You’re gonna go to work late.”

11. “You wake up 1 hour earlier. What a big surprise!”

12. “Can you see me? I wake up and you do, too.”

13. “I wanna go pee and have been waiting here for you for a while. Wake up now, please!”

14. “Feel ashamed of this guy. He’s still sleeping when Christmas is all around.”

15. “Today you woke up 30 minutes earlier than me. Good job!”

16. “Show you my cutest face in the morning. Do you love it?”

17. “Say Good morning to his owners with this face. Enough to make a day, right?”

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