We Love Animals

10+ Pets Whose Silly And Funny Acts Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

If you have ever owned a pet, you will realize that these 4-legged friends do a lot of things that make us confused. Whether they are acting on instinct or trying to achieve a goal, they sometimes behave in mysterious ways that we just don’t understand. All pets have their own personalities. But no matter what kind of personality they might have, one thing is for sure that they all have their silly moments. And those silly moments are guaranteed to make us laugh.

Here are 18 photos of pets acting plain silly and having a great time doing it. Their silly acts can boost everyone’s mood and make any negativity disappear. Scroll down to enjoy!

1. “This is my dog’s favorite toy. Watching the faces of people who are walking past when my dog is staring out the window with it in his mouth is brilliant.”

2. It seems that this cat is hungrier than usual.

3. “He really loves to sit with us at the table.”

4. “Say cheese!”

5. “She does this every single time I sit down to eat…”

6. “This is how he watches TV.”

7. “This is my adorkable Brussels Sprouts.”

8. “My 2 silly dogs watching me cook”

9. “Some things never change.”

10. “Took my dog to the creek and got this great pic.”

11. “She fell in there but decided it wasn’t worth waking up to try to get out.”

12. “My new pup is already mastering weird faces.”

13. “My baby Clementine (featuring Olive) being a big old clown!”

14. “She loves being brushed.”

15. This cat is holding the man’s back instead of the chair.

16. “I told him to say, ’Cheese!’ and he really tried his best.”

17. “His way of saying he’s done walking”

18. And how will you get down from there?

Do your pets do silly and funny things? Show us pictures of them in the comments, we’d love to see them. Share them with a friend who needs a smile today!

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