We Love Animals

15+ Photos Proving That No One Can Make You Smile Faster Than Pets

If you have a pet, we are sure that you are fully aware of their power to make you smile, laugh and improve your mood. They have magical skills that can make anyone smile within seconds. But how do our furry friends learn to make us laugh? According to some scientific studies, interacting and cuddling with pets tends to produce positive emotional responses that can relieve stress and instantly boost overall happiness.

We believe that pet owners never get in a bad mood because their beloved pets never fail to make them happy. And in order to prove that, we have compiled some photos of pets to share with you. These pics will show you how wonderful and funny having a pet is.

1. “My dad sent me this picture of his cats.”

2. “I’m cat-sitting this guy and I think he broke?”

3. “I do remember I am a dog!”

4. “This seems like a good place for Laurie to chill (Fry is in the background).”

5. Cat returns home after what can only be assumed to be a fight with Spider-Man.

6. “Jack thought that if he stayed still, we wouldn’t notice him sitting in the stockpot. He was wrong.”

7. “Last week we picked up Sam, our newest addition to the family. This was his first nap in his new house.”

8. Yoga or broken?

9. “My dog after spilling water on my bed.”

10. “Does anyone else’s cat sit like this?”

11. “I splishy splashy. Am I in trouble?”

12. “That can’t be comfortable…. Right??”

13. “He fell asleep looking out the window this morning.”

14. Never. Trust. Silence.

15. Dobby is a free cat!

16. “He makes this face every time I ask him if he wants to go for a walk.”

17. Proud mom moment

18. This dog repeats all the movements of his owner.

Do you own a pet? How do they make you smile every day? Share their pics with us in the comments below! Be sure to share this article with your friends and family members!

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