We Love Animals

15+ Pets Who Are Good At Showing Their Whole Range Of Feelings

We humans feel love and empathy towards animals, but do the animals feel the same about us? The answer is yes. Many studies have shown that animals have thought processes, emotions, and social connections. In fact, anyone who works closest with animals are most convinced that they do contain a wide range of emotions and feelings. Just like us, they experience a full range of emotions like anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise.

We love to see emotional pictures of pets, so we decided to collect 16 photos of pets who are amazing at showing their whole range of emotions to share with you. Scroll down to check for yourself!

1. “I went away for 3 weeks, and now my cat is in love with my husband.”

2. “We accidentally fed him twice this morning… This was his face when we figured it out.”

3. “Someone was screaming outside our apartment, Ben was very concerned.”

4. “This was the moment we told her she was going on a diet…”

5. “My cats don’t like that I go to work so early in the morning now, so they apparently staged an intervention.”

6. “My anxious dog after making her first doggy friend”

7. “My cat is obsessed with sinks and water. Sometimes I’ll leave a little stream going while I’m cooking, so she’s entertained. This was her a few minutes after I turned it off.”

8. “The pose our Shepadoodle Maggie gives us whenever she‘s guilty or wants something”

9. “Our office cat does not like to be ignored.”

10. “Nugget, when he realized he was going to the vet”

11. “My cat’s subtle way of claiming me in front of our new pup”

12. “When it’s thundering, my dog won’t let me close the bathroom door.”

13. “Mia’s face when I dare to stop giving her belly scratches”

14. “Chase had a moment of realization that both his mom and dad have to go back to work tomorrow after the long holiday weekend.”

15. “He’s over one year old, but Andy still thinks he’s a baby.”

16. “My girlfriend sent me this while I was at work. And here I was thinking the perfect picture of our dog didn’t exist.”

Do you have pets? Do your pets show their feelings? Share their photos with us in the comments, and let’s see whose pets are best at showing their mood! Don’t forget to share these cute pics with your friends and family members to make their day better!

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