We Love Animals

10+ Photos That Show How Fast Our Beloved Pets Grow Up

Our furry friends grow at an enormous speed! In a few months, a fluffy puppy can approach their adult size and turn into an adult dog. It seems like just yesterday, these little pets that could fit in our hands, and now they are all grown up and become adult family members.

In this article, we gathered 18 photos that show you how drastically our pets have changed over time. These photos also remind you of how fast time can fly, especially when watching your little pet friends grow up. So scroll down to check for yourself!

1. “Did I use to be this tiny, Mom?”

2. Same dog, different size

3. “His favorite place hasn’t changed though.”

4. From a timid puppy to an adventurous trail dog

5. “The day I adopted him vs 1 year later”

6. “Gus doesn’t seem happy about the changes in Rose.”

7. 8 weeks, 6 months, 1 year

8. 6 months later

9. This girl got even bigger than her mommy!

10. “He used to be so small and now his butt doesn’t even fit in my hand.”

11. “My cat at the age of 8 weeks and at the age of 18 months”

12. The difference a couple of years can make

13. From a beautiful, playful puppy to a strong, independent adult

14. “Is it the toy that’s getting smaller?”

15. “Arepa has gone from a tiny fluffy potato to a big fluffy potato with a gorgeous smile.”

16. From 2 to 4 months old

17. “I still love it when my mommy carries me.”

18. Desk buddy through the years

Do you have pets? Feel free to share photos of their transformations with us in the comments below to celebrate our pets’ short but loving and meaningful lives. If you love these pics, don’t forget to share them with your friends and family members.

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