We Love Animals

These Men Declared That They Never Wanted To Have A Cat

If you love cats, you definitely want to own one in your house. But sadly, your husband or your boyfriend doesn’t like cats. They even declare that cats are stupid, and they never want to have one. But don’t worry because you and your beloved cat can, indeed, turn someone into a cat person in just a matter of seconds. Cats have their own ways to show their love to people who hate them. And that’s not a myth… there are a lot of proofs show that cats can make everyone like them.

Don’t believe us? Scroll down to see the funny photo proofs for yourself. These boyfriends and husbands said that they didn’t like cats, and look at them now. They fell in love with cats they never wanted!

1. This boyfriend who quickly fell in love with the kitty.

2. This badass dad who found his new badass best friend.

3. This boyfriend who forgot how he hate cats.

4. The dad who comforts the kitty in need.

5. This dad makes sure his cat is comfy and snuggly.

6. The boyfriend who still claims he hates cat.

7. This husband who is in denial.

8. This boyfriend “isn’t a cat person.”

9. This husband who lets the cat groom his beard.

10. This boyfriend demonstrates the new bed to the cat.

11. This husband now *really* likes cats.

12. This boyfriend who definitely was lying when he said he dislikes cats.

13. This husband babytalks to the cat.

14. Dad four months ago didn’t even want a cat. Now look at him.

15. My dad claims to hate my cat. Turns out he takes selfies with her.

16. I live alone. Didn’t want a pet. Workmate suggested she bring a kitten over that needed a home. Been together a year now.

17. Boyfriend claims to hate my cat. Came home to this.

18. My grandfather didn’t want a cat and now he shares snacks with tiger (one of the cats he rescued from his barn)

19. I pretend i don’t like my roommate’s cat. But when he’s at work, we hangout.

20. “I really hate your cat” indeed.

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