We Love Animals

Reporter Can’t Stop Laughing After Cat Interrupts News Segment To Demand His Attention

Reporter Artur Lira of TV Paraiba in Brazil was filming a news segment outside a police station when a cat appeared at his feet. The cat interrupted his shoot to demand both his and the camera’s attention.

When Lira tried to start the piece, he faltered and felt an animal against his legs. He looked down and saw a black-and-white cat looking up at him imploringly. Lira couldn’t help but laugh at the unexpected interruption.

However, when Lira moved behind a truck to start filming again, the cat was one step ahead of them. “The cat climbed into one of the vehicles and stood in front of me,” Lira said. “That was when I couldn’t stand it and started laughing.”

“He was so cute, you can’t feel angry,” Lira wrote. “I think this cat wanted to be famous.”

Lira decided to share this cute story with the world and people can’t get enough of it. Watch the cute video here:

Aquela hora que você tá gravando o texto e sente um gato passando entre as pernas ????. Mas ele foi tão fofinho que não dá nem pra sentir raiva. Já pensou se fosse ao vivo? ???????????????? E quando mudei de lugar ele foi lá também. Acho que esse gato queria era ficar famoso. E tá conseguindo. #bastidores #jornalismo #petslover #gatosengraçados #vireijornalista #tvparaiba #tvcabobranco #showdavida #issoaglobonãomostra

Posted by Artur Lira on Wednesday, November 6, 2019

According to Globo News, the cat is a stray who’s being fed and watched over by police at the station. People told Lira that it was a done deal and the kitty had already chosen him. So, Lira is thinking of adopting the cat himself. However, the proposal wasn’t quite as straightforward as some might hope.

“People are asking me to adopt the cat,” he admitted. “I want to adopt him, but I’m trying to negotiate with my mother.”

Despite that, the cat found a more permanent home with a relative of Lira’s, ensuring that he’d still get to visit the cat. “Now our dellegatto has a home to receive even more love and affection. My Aunt lives near my house, so I will always visit him.”

If you love this story, please share it with your friends and family members!

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